Monday, February 9, 2009

Say, Mean, Matter 16

“Judge a man by his questions rather than by his answers”


Xx INFAMOUS xX said...

rolando barcenas

say: Judge a man by his question then his answer

mean: Dont jude a man or women by how they look.

matter: Dont jude ever enlees you really now the women or man

Brazchic said...

Say:Label a person by what he asks Preferably than by what he answers.

Mean: Don't judge a person by what they ask judge their answers because that will tell you how they are rather then what they are.

Matter: People should not judge by question but by answers and people almost always do the opposite.

Kamylla Silva

Bigboy said...

This says that you should judge a man by his questions rather than by his answer. I think this mean that If u judge a man by his answer then you won't now the real man. If you judge him from his question then you know what he is saying. This matter to everyone who is judgeing men with out knowing them
Thank you
Anthony castro


it says jugde a guy by the things he ask not the things he say. it means judge someone by things the like to talk about not things you like to talk about. it matter to mean because i do it all the time justin

Anonymous said...

says:judge a person by the way he comes at you not the way he responds

mean:don't judge a book by it's cover,don't judge a person by their outside apperance

matters:to the world it matters because everyone wants to judge someone they really don't know,get to know the person first.

by;jessaymn crouch

MIKEY said...

say:it says that the guestion that a man says maybe important so comment about the question.

mean: you can learn more if you listen to the question that people says.

matter:it matters because you can be different.

speedracer365 said...

Says:A man must be judged by the questions he asks than by the answers he gives
Means:A smart man would ask tell an answer. A smarter man would ask a question
Matters:Judging a man should be by his quesions and not his answers
Signed Phillip

MIKEY said...

say to not judge people by their answer.It mean that the question might be important.It matter because you can learn something about the question asked.