Friday, May 22, 2009

The end...

Please post your thoughts on the use of blogs, emailed reflections and Holt's online essay scoring in your English class 2008-09.


Sarii said...

My thoughts or opinions on the use of blogs, emailed reflections and Holt's online essay scoring this year was awesome. I love the fact that we didn't use pen and paper. Also, I like that we couldn't lose what we did because it'd either be saved to my blog or my google docs. I liked writing stories on Holt. The email reflections were great. We got to tell you about our wonderful or dreadful week.
-Sarah Guillen

Cubanflyjr said...

I liked it but i think the future would like something more interactivr like more things to do on the website. Just something for more fun and entertainment.

speedracer365 said...

I liked making blogs because it is fun and easy. The Holt Online Essay Scoring really taught me how to write better narratives. Emailing reflections were pretty interesting to make.

Bigboy said...

Creating my own blog was fun. Its an easy way for you to check grades and for us to work on it from home. This year was fun and once we go on to high school its our Responsibility to keep our blogs. Thanks Mrs.Chloux for letting us make a blog it was my first time making one.

Anthony Castro

twerdy said...

I thought the use of computers was awesome. If you had planned on using computers for your english class next year, I'm all for it. The way I see it, the world seems to be getting more and more advanced with technology. Why shiould the students be stuck in the past using pencil and paper? Even referrals are done over the computer, now. I think using computers and laptops in class readies the students for future work. Almost every job I can think of requires some kind of computing device. And not to mention working on the internet and on computers makes doing work so much fun. It definitely kept my attention, and despite how much I read, I have a short intention span. Thank you so much Ms. Chaloux! I am, without a doubt, going to remember you. I am going to miss you so much!

-Ariana Webber

Anonymous said...

Using blogging is a faster.easier,and better way to get the job done than using a apencil and paper.its better because you can easily grade not worring about any handwriting because its typed,any puncuationing marks because they have grammer check and not spelling errors because they have spell check.
Holt online essay is a better way for a a teacher a student because you don't have to worry about a ateacher giving you the wrong grade because the computer grade it for you.It grades very hardly and give you a chance to re-do to get aa better grade.
Class reflections is a better way to end the week instead of a the end of the week discussing what the whole class what your goals were and were going to be for the following week.

Sandip said...

I actually think that the idea of blogging was very good. It was a good idea, but sometimes I just didn't do it. I think that reflecting was a waste of time, there was no point to it. ANd last but not least Holt's online essay scoring was the best idea out of the three. It helped me write better and I loved it. At first all I either got was a 0 or a 1 now I get 2's and 3's.

Sandip Chudasama

Unknown said...

I like using the holt this year. I did all of my reflection when I was needed to.
Michael Lewis

Megan said...

I actually like the use of blogs and reflections. I think all teachers should use reflections because that could give another view of insight on what students really go through, what they really learn, and how they react to it. Using blogs were pretty fun, I just think the more projects and homework that we have to do and use on the blogs, they would look and be more organized better. Holt online essay scoring on the other hand, personally I didn't like too much. As much as I love to write, I personally don't like being told what to write and how to write it. Getting guidance and constructive criticism is fine, but the topics they gave us to write about were not amusing to me at all. They really didn't make me think.

All in all, I thought this class was pretty freggin' awesome.
-- Megg

Xx INFAMOUS xX said...

Hello ms.chaloux, I have always loved your class. It was a very fun. I love the computer now cause of you, I now know so much stuff with the computer that i will take into the future. I hope bonable has computer class like your. I will never forget it, Thanks for the every thing BYE.


Brazchic said...

My thoughts on blogging, emailed reflections, and Holt's online essay scoring were I liked it very much. I thought it was more interesting then just to work with pencil and papers. The Holt's online essay scoring was very helpful it helped us write better and to see what we needed to work on. The blogs were helpful because we could keep records of what was going on in our class and to see what assignments we had that week. They were very helpful to me.

Kamylla Silva

In HeAvEn AbOvE said...

The use of blogs, emailed reflections, and Holt's online essay scoring is helpful but frustrating in many ways. Blogging is fun because you can express yourself in many ways. It displays your creative work and portrays your personality as a unique person. Emailed reflections are okay in my opinion their useless but it's good to talk to somebody about school. Holt's online essay scoring is a great way to improve your writing and vocabulary. It allows you to know what writing level your at and gives you pointers on how to improve. More people should know about all of these prospects. It is fun and educational. The use of blogs, emailed reflections, and Holt's online essay scoring was a wondeful experience for my English class 2008-2009 school year.
Dae'Aja Fant