Thursday, April 9, 2009

Say, Mean, Matter 20

A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.
Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


aj said...

Say:A good mood cant get you places all the time but if you constanly have it,its gonna work.
Mean:That if you keep continuing being nice,people will appreciate it even if you constanly do it.
Matter:To make people be nice and continue that annoyce.

Sandip said...

Say-It says that a good mood can't get you everywhere, but it will work sometimes.
Mean-It means that if you keep being nice,people will like you and respect you.
Matter-It matters because it is telling you to keep being nice and annoy people.

sandip chudasama

In HeAvEn AbOvE said...

Says:It says your good attitude can help any obstacles your facing, but because of this people will be bothered by your tactic but it's worthy enough to do it.

Matter: It matters because sometimes your attitude can offend people but you can't let it bring down what you've worked so hard for.

Mean: The quote means continue and strive to keep a good attitude and eventually it will pay off.
Dae'Aja Fant

twerdy said...

Ariana Webber pd. 4

Say: A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.
Herm Albright

Mean: It means that having a good attitude in today's life will annoy enough people who don't have a good attitude to get you where you want to go.

Matter: It matters because we need to keep our heads up no matter what happens and just know that we will get through anything we need to if we keep trying. If you do these, then you will have a positive attitude and you can get where you need to go.

Xx INFAMOUS xX said...

Say: A positive attitude wont all ways work,but if you keep doing it, it is going to work.

Mean: Being a good person will help slove your prombles.

Matter: Keep being nice and it will take you places.


~cutiepie09~ said...

say:It says although positivity want solve your problem you can annoy people enough to make them want to fix it.

mean:It means even though you might not solve your problem annoy some enough and they'll do something about.

matter:This matters because it'll help you get what you want in the end.


Cubanflyjr said...

Says-When your nice you cant solve all problems
Means-Being nice dosent solve all problema
Matter- You need to be a little mean to solve things sometimes

Cubanflyjr said...

Says: A good attitude wont get you to all places but only sometimes
Means: A good attitude doesnt always work
Matter: Sometime you have to be rough

Cubanflyjr said...

says: Being positive wont get you anywhere but only sometimes
means: Just because you act good doesnt mean you get good privlages al the time
matter: People think that
Zachary Fernandez

speedracer365 said...

It says: Not everybody loves a positive attitude.
It means: Keeping a good attitude can't solve all problems, but it can at least get an effort by annoying a lot of people.
It matters: Positive attitudes solve a lot of things, but not everything.